

Frequently Asked Questions


Tattoo FAQ

  • What should I do to prepare for my tattoo?

Make sure to get a good nights sleep the night before (no heavy drinking). Eat a hearty  meal before hand, and bring a snack and a soda with you.  Also tattoos can cause people to sweat, so please shower. 

  • Can I bring someone with me?

Yes! Friends and family are more than welcome to come with you for support!

  • Can my kid come with me?

As long as they are well behaved, yes. They have to be old enough to understand that some things in a tattoo studio are dangerous to touch.

  • Can I use headphones?

Yes, we don't mind if you want to listen to your own music while being tattooed.

  • Can we send a picture of the drawn up tattoo design?

Unfortunately we can not.  We have had people take our designs to get a "better" deal on a tattoo from a different shop, so we no longer send out our designs.

  • Does it hurt?

Yes, but everyone experiences pain differently. As well, different locations on the body hurt more than others. Keep in mind, if they were so terrible, people wouldn't be covered in them.

  • What is the most painful place to get a tattoo?

It varies from person to person.  Boney areas such as hands, elbows, feet, ribs, and heads are typically tender.  Other areas such as armpits, genitals, and palms can also be a bit rough.

  • Can I shower with my new tattoo?

Yes!! Please! We encourage showering. But do keep your new tattoo out of the bath. And feel free to reference our aftercare instructions (aftercare tab is at the top of the screen).